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跳动的烛光 发表于 2012-11-27 11:27:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法10宁凡 发表于 2012-11-28 00:27:47 | 显示全部楼层
; K0 u- [3 \% X$ @' b4 b0 p/ n' O6 U: f
While the laws of property define who or what has a permissible interest in holding,developing and transferring land,land use law define government's interests in influencing the use of the land.Land use law, as employed by local governments and interpreted by the courts,provide a system for resolving disputes over competing demands for the use of land.
1 H6 i- ?( z% J- H3 l) u+ l/ J  {  e; R. i. B2 `* ?7 l7 y
! O9 N: k5 k" N3 f( N8 G) ~5 ^                                                                                 
+ N9 d' \' G( @% I                                                                                                  0 k5 V8 W0 \+ }


不错!对于关键用语的翻译很准确。10分!  发表于 2012-12-6 14:05
法10樊文强 发表于 2012-11-28 17:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
第八组作业1 D1 |* r, t( w
Second,they  clearly  identify  who should be responsible for  the  decision-making  and  what  information  the de -cision-making  need  to consider . We will  look  at  the  need  for  public participation . Finally, they provide ben -chmarks of general principles order to guide future par -ticipants. We  will  discuss the roles of the U.S. Constitu -tion, state statute and administrative process in achiev –ing  these goals.
6 J8 c5 p  ?9 v7 L$ Y" X; s$ ?翻译:其次,他们清楚地确定谁应该为这个决策负责和这个决策所要考虑的信息。我们将看到公众参与的需求。最后,他们会为了指导未来的参与者而提供一般原则的基准。我们将讨论美国宪法、国家法规和行政程序在实现这些目标过程中的作用。/ R8 K* U3 |6 V


不错,整体翻译较为准确。但state statute 翻译成州法律更为准确。9分!  发表于 2012-12-6 14:06
法10王晶 发表于 2012-11-28 18:43:22 | 显示全部楼层
第四组作业。. E. d, S8 t7 \+ p2 Q
    Most modern land use regulatory system utilize both proscriptions against certain types and intensity of uses and incentives to encourage certain eses .Those regulatory systems which respond best to a free market can do three things well.0 w1 u- _) b3 Z; H, o! X: ]

2 i& W, |' b7 f1 l    大多数现代土地利用管理系统,既利用禁令反对某些类型的使用,同时强化使用和刺激某些使用。这些对自由市场做出最佳反应的监管系统能实现如下三个功能


不错,整体翻译较为准确。但对于regulatory system 应统一翻译为监管体系,体现前后一致。9分!  发表于 2012-12-6 14:07
法10杨彦涛 发表于 2012-12-1 21:49:58 | 显示全部楼层
First,they possess a mechanism  to determine which among competing interests should prevail in a society based upon private property and the mobility of an individual. we will look at the legal issues raised by the clash of economic development with environmental concerns and with historic preservation concerns.
" G. L9 V3 @2 K2 v$ T0 \我们的译文:  i# x. L* G; ]3 s; {


翻译较为准确,但the clash of economic development with environmental concerns and with historic preservation .这句话英翻译为关于经济发展与环境发展之间,经济发展与历史保留之间的冲突更为准确.   发表于 2012-12-6 14:00
法10赵凯 发表于 2012-12-1 21:54:43 | 显示全部楼层
First,they possess a mechanism to determine which among competing interests should prevail in a society based upon private property and the mobility of an individual. we will look at the legal issues raised by the clash of economic development with environmental concerns and with historic preservation concerns.+ F" F5 A2 u+ E% G" L
4 o" R- z- [7 }" C2 ]# \2 g第7组作业


这组翻译比其他两组要更为准确。  发表于 2012-12-6 14:05
法10崔晓鹏 发表于 2012-12-2 12:02:22 | 显示全部楼层
第三组:Most modern land use regulatory systems utilize both proscriptions against certain types and intensity of uses and incentives to encourage certain use. Those  regulatory systems which respond best to a free market can do three things8 I6 }# m  ~+ L$ M


与第四组相比,这组的翻译更为流畅。但对于regulatory system的翻译没有做到前后一致。9分!  发表于 2012-12-6 13:32
法10刘春侠 发表于 2012-12-2 18:22:38 | 显示全部楼层
7 f; K; S4 T+ [1 Q) c6 |( P$ A) J" e5 WFirst,they possess a mechanism to determine which among competing interests should prevail in a society based upon private property and the mobility of an individual. we will look at the legal issues raised by the clash of economic development with environmental concerns and with historic preservation concerns.: $ i9 ]7 v/ Z' G  ^5 t
首先,他们拥有一种机制来确定在私有财产和个人流动性为基础上的社会中,各种相互竞争的利益之间应以何者为准。我们将着眼于经济发展与环境问题的冲突和历史建筑保护问题提出的法律问题。+ f. O& g- }2 I8 }+ [5 E


翻译较为准确,但the clash of economic development with environmental concerns and , 这句话英翻译为关于经济发展与环境发展之间,经济发展与历史保留之间的冲突更为准确. 9分!着眼于这个词用得不错   发表于 2012-12-6 14:03
法10赵凯 发表于 2012-12-2 19:38:16 | 显示全部楼层
Second,they clearly identify who should be responsible for the decision-making and what information the decision-makers need to consider. We will look at the need for public participation.Finally,they provide bechmarks of general principles in order to guide future participants.We will discuss the roles of the U.S.Constitution ,state statute and administrative process in achieving these goals.
3 U0 j9 r+ N. |; S& d' G' F( ]" I- \: I翻译:第二,他们清楚地认识到谁应该对这个决策负责以及这个决策的制定者需要考虑哪些问题。我们将会关注到公众参与的需求。最终,他们会提供一个一般性原则作为基本标准来给未来参与者作指南。我们将在达成这些目标过程中讨论美国宪法,州的法令以及行政管理程序的有关规定。( |( |% K, l5 n; W& D$ D3 i( ^
2 L" N) Q5 W* i9 h$ x$ |" k! ?


翻译准确,语言流畅。10分!   发表于 2012-12-6 13:46
法10黄继瑾 发表于 2012-12-2 21:38:20 | 显示全部楼层
第二组作业:! |) U2 e0 e2 W  |
While the laws of property define who or what has a permissible interest in holding,developing and transferring land,land use law define government's interests in influencing the use of the land.Land use law, as employed by local governments and interpreted by the courts,provide a system for resolving disputes over competing demands for the use of land.
  E: [) O6 @$ |& W/ T尽管财产法确认了谁有权享有因占有,使用,流转土地而产生的利益,土地利用法确认了在影响土地利用中政府的权益。土地利用法,被地方政府运用也被法院解释,提供了一套解决因土地利用而产生竞争的争端解决体系。


翻译较为准确。但有些词语如permissible interest ,competing demands没有完全翻译出来。9分!  发表于 2012-12-6 13:54
法10杨彦涛 发表于 2012-12-9 09:47:17 | 显示全部楼层
法10杨彦涛 发表于 2012-12-1 21:49 : U, g0 L, J# f! C" p8 F
First,they possess a mechanism  to determine which among competing interests should prevail in a soc ...
* p: v& }4 Y$ l
 楼主| 跳动的烛光 发表于 2013-1-2 21:21:11 | 显示全部楼层
法10黄继瑾 发表于 2012-12-2 21:38 ; q3 \( V) B- O6 P# s- n
* ]9 n4 c! I; a0 g' FWhile the laws of property define who or what has a permissible interest in holding,de ...
% M$ M% O- ^* V; |* M7 b9 y3 a  s, _; p
 楼主| 跳动的烛光 发表于 2013-1-2 21:24:07 | 显示全部楼层
法10杨彦涛 发表于 2012-12-9 09:47 3 T& g4 g9 G) q: o9 D- t

! w/ k& i) W/ S& o& b+ h# O忘了写成绩了,9分![/b]
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