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《人物》年度最佳着装出炉 碧昂丝小贝榜上有名

english 发表于 2007-10-7 12:39:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>R&amp;B singer Beyonce took top honors in a list of best-dressed celebrities of 2007, while bald Britney Spears won the booby prize for most shocking style moment after shaving her head.</P>< align=left>eople magazine's annual best- and worst-dressed issue hits newsstands on Friday featuring numerous Hollywood stars, all given a nickname to describe their taste in couture.</P><P align=left>Beyonce, 26, was dubbed "The Showstopper," while actress Cameron Diaz walked into the top 10 as "The Legs," and actress Katie Holmes, who is married to Tom Cruise, graced the list as "The Classic."</P><P align=left>"Beyonce just looks amazing every time she goes out," assistant managing editor Cynthia Sanz said. "She likes to show off her curves and she is very glamorous."</P><P align=left>Beyonce has her own fashion line, "House of Dereon," that mixes hip hop influences with feminine touches like lace and ruffles that she launched with her mother, stylist Tina Knowles, in 2004.</P><P align=left>Last year, former "Friends" star Jennifer Aniston topped the list after a reader's vote, but this year the magazine did not seek readers' input.</P><P align=left>Other women in the top 10 included Penelope Cruz, Jessica Biel, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Lopez, Reese Witherspoon, Gwen Stefani and Ali Larter.</P><P align=left>For the men last year, singer Justin Timberlake was named "Trendiest," and praise went to British soccer star David Beckham, who recently moved with wife Victoria to Los Angeles.</P><P align=left>This year Beckham again made the list, alongside Terrence Howard, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and George Clooney.</P><P align=left>《人物》杂志一年一度的“最佳和最差穿着”专刊将于本周五上架,本期特刊对众多好莱坞明星进行了一番大盘点,并根据他们的穿衣风格给每人起了个“绰号”。</P><P align=left>26岁的碧昂丝被称为“眼球捕手”,影星卡梅伦&#8226;迪娅茨跻身前十名,被誉为“美腿佳人”,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂&#8226;赫尔姆斯则被誉为“优雅天使”。</P><P align=left>《人物》杂志副总编辛西娅&#8226;森茨说:“碧昂丝每次亮相都魅力四射。她爱秀自己的曲线,她非常迷人。”</P><P align=left>2004年,碧昂丝和她的母亲、造型师蒂娜&#8226;诺里斯创建了自己的时装品牌House of Dereon,这一品牌主要将嘻哈风格与蕾丝和褶边等具有女性特点的东西融合在了一起。</P><P align=left>去年,《老友记》女星珍妮弗&#8226;安妮斯顿被读者评为“最佳穿着名人”,但今年《人物》杂志并没有邀请读者来参与这一评选。</P><P align=left>跻身最佳穿着名人榜前十位的女星还包括佩尼罗普&#8226;克鲁兹,杰西卡&#8226;贝尔、德鲁&#8226;巴里莫尔、珍妮弗&#8226;洛佩兹、瑞茜&#8226;威瑟斯彭、格温&#8226;斯蒂芬妮和艾丽&#8226;拉特。</P><P align=left>去年,歌手贾斯汀&#8226;蒂姆伯雷克被评为“最时尚穿着”男星,英国足球巨星大卫&#8226;贝克汉姆也榜上有名。</P><P align=left>刚与妻子维多利亚乔迁洛杉矶的小贝今年再次入选,同时入选的男星包括泰伦斯&#8226;霍华德、强尼&#8226;戴普、布拉德&#8226;皮特和乔治&#8226;克鲁尼。</P>
溜达的猫 发表于 2007-10-7 19:20:52 | 显示全部楼层
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