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english 发表于 2007-10-7 12:39:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>北京时间9月12日晚,中国女足迎来世界杯小组赛首场比赛,对手是丹麦队,中国女足3-2力克丹麦,取得开门红。</P>< align=left>请看新华社的报道: </P>< align=left>Thanks to substitute Song Xiaoli's incredible long shot in the 88th minute, China edged Denmark 3-2 to snatch the crucial three points in the Women's World Cup Group D.</P><P align=left>Defender Li Jie looped a curling free kick which found the top right corner of the net. A powerful long shot near the arc by Bi Yan lifted China to 2-0 lead in the 50th minute.</P><P align=left>China head coach Marika Domanski-Lyfors said, “The whole team was in top form and high morale. We deserve the win."</P><P align=left>报道说, 李洁在第30分钟利用任意球为中国队取得领先,毕妍同样的一记远射在第50分钟又将比分扩大,第88分钟,东道主凭借替补上场的宋晓丽一记让人难以置信的远射,将比分改写为3比2,赢得了小组赛中至关重要的三分。主教练多曼斯基在赛后表示,球队士气高昂,是赢得比赛的关键。</P><P align=left>这里的“long shot”就是足球用语中的“远射”,此处结合世界杯的大背景也可以理解为“世界波”。</P>
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