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english 发表于 2007-10-19 19:45:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>If Russian women are searching for a new sex symbol, they need look no further than the Kremlin's website. There they can find the full set of pictures of Vladimir "The Body" Putin strutting his stuff, bare-chested, along the banks of a Siberian river during a fishing expedition.</P>< align=left>A step-by-step guide to building a body like President Vladimir Putin's was available to readers of a Russian newspaper on Wednesday.</P>< align=left>Official photographs of the 54-year-old leader holidaying in southern Siberia last week showed him fishing with his shirt off to display a well-honed torso.</P><P align=left>He was also shown on horseback in sunglasses, gloves and a body-hugging white vest.</P><P align=left>"He has some great definition under that shirt," said the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid, Russia's biggest circulation newspaper.</P><P align=left>Under the headline: "Get a body like Putin's", the daily published an exercise guide by a fitness instructor. An accompanying diagram of Putin's naked torso had arrows pointing to his major muscle groups.</P><P align=left>Putin, who is married with two daughters, has attributed his physique to sports -- he is an accomplished practitioner of judo and a keen downhill skier.</P><P align=left>如果俄罗斯女性正在寻找一位新的性感偶像,她们应该去克林姆林宫的网站上瞧瞧。在那里她们可以看到普京总统的全套“性感照”,照片上的普京总统赤裸着上身,大显他那健壮的身材,在西伯利亚的河畔钓鱼。</P><P align=left>周三,俄罗斯一家报纸公布了一份如何练就普京总统式身材的详尽健身指南。</P><P align=left>此前,官方公布了这位54岁的领导人上周在西伯利亚南部度假的照片,照片上的普京总统未着衬衣,正在钓鱼,裸露的上半身很健美。</P><P align=left>其中还有普京总统戴着墨镜、手套,穿着紧身白背心骑马的照片。</P><P align=left>俄罗斯发行量最大的《共青团真理报》报道说:“普京总统衣服下的肌肉块很明显。”</P><P align=left>该篇题为《如何练就普京式好身材》的健身指南是由一位健身教练写的。文中还配有一张普京上半身的图解,还特意用箭头标示了他身上的几大主要肌肉群。</P><P align=left>普京总统有两个女儿,他将自己的健壮体魄归功于体育运动。普京精通柔道,还喜欢下坡滑雪。</P>
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