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english 发表于 2007-10-19 19:45:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>When Sharapova defends her U.S. Open title next week, she'll be wearing tennis dresses decorated with graphic interpretations of the cityscape on the chest.</P>< align=left>The designs, created by Nike senior designer Colleen Sandieson, were unveiled Wednesday evening on a rooftop at Rockefeller Center.</P>< align=left>Like last year, Sharapova will have one outfit dedicated for day play and another for night matches.</P><P align=left>"It's always important to feel comfortable in what you're wearing when you're playing, but in tennis, you can do so many things with your wardrobe," Sharapova said wearing the flame-red dress in a flared shift silhouette that she'll wear at night.</P><P align=left>The color is in honor of the Big Apple. "I've worn a red top before but never a red dress, but there is no better place to do it than New York," she told the reporter.</P><P align=left>There are more than 600 Swarovski crystals incorporated into the design, adding a little flash to the outfit, but Sharapova said it's simple and classy, which suits her taste. "I don't like things with too much pattern ... things that are tacky."</P><P align=left>For the daytime, the look is similar but in black and white — and without the crystals. It has a scoop-back design that facilitates movement, according to Sandieson.</P><P align=left>Performance is always the priority, Sandieson said, but she and Sharapova strive for designs that marry function with fashion.</P><P align=left>"She has a fantastic game and I have a lot of respect for that but she has a great eye for detail," Sandieson said. "She's got a style that's very natural to her, and she also knows what she likes and doesn't like."</P><P align=left>"She wears clothes that a lot of other women would like to own," said Susan Kaufman, editor of People StyleWatch.</P><P align=left>Kaufman also notes that today's tennis stars are photographed when they're off the court, too, giving more of a glimpse of their personal style.</P><P align=left>Sharapova noted that the U.S. Open, which runs Aug. 27-Sept. 8, coincides with New York Fashion Week and she tries to make it to at least one show.</P><P align=left>Once her tennis career is over, she said, fashion is something she'd like to further explore.</P><P align=left>下周,美网卫冕冠军莎拉波娃将身着一套胸前带有都市景观图案的网球裙现身美网公开赛赛场。</P><P align=left>由耐克公司高级设计师科林&#8226;桑迪森设计的这套比赛服于本周三晚在洛克菲勒中心楼顶上公布于众。</P><P align=left>与去年一样,莎拉波娃在白天和晚上比赛时将各穿一套比赛服。</P><P align=left>莎拉波娃穿着那件火红的喇叭式网球裙说:“打球时穿的衣服舒适性很重要,而对网球运动员来说,比赛服的选择很多。”她将在晚间比赛时穿这套裙装。</P><P align=left>红色是“大苹果城”纽约的象征。莎拉波娃在接受记者采访时说:“我以前穿过红色的背心打球,但从没穿过红裙子,不过,在纽约穿红裙子是最合适不过的了。”</P><P align=left>这套衣服上镶有600多颗施华洛世奇水晶,看上去有一点晶光闪闪。但莎娃说,这套裙装既简单又时髦,很适合她的口味。她说:“我不喜欢服装上弄太多俗气的花样。”</P><P align=left>莎娃白天穿的比赛服的样式与此类似,但颜色是黑白相间的,而且没有水晶石。据桑迪森介绍,这套裙装是露背设计,这样运动起来很方便。</P><P align=left>她说,成绩永远都是第一位的,但她和莎娃都想努力做到实用与时尚的统一。</P><P align=left>桑迪森说:“她球打得好,我很尊重她,同时,她对服装方面的细节也很在行。她的时尚十分自然,她知道自己喜欢什么、不喜欢什么。”</P><P align=left>《时尚观察》编辑苏珊&#8226;考夫曼说:“很多女性都想拥有她所穿的款式的衣服。”</P><P align=left>考夫曼还指出,如今的网坛明星在赛场之外也成为摄影师关注的焦点,他们的个人风尚由此得到更多展现。</P><P align=left>莎拉波娃说,美网公开赛将从8月27日持续至9月8日,纽约时装周也将在此期间开幕。她说她要去看至少一场时装秀。</P><P align=left>莎娃表示,她的网球生涯结束后,她将“转战”时尚领域。</P>
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