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english 发表于 2007-10-19 19:45:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>Many South Korean soldiers on guard no longer present a rough, sunburnt face to the enemy, a report said Friday.</P>< align=left>Some members of the largely conscript army "now rival women in the use of cosmetics, and some even order wigs to disguise their short hair for the vacation," according to the website of Chosun Ilbo newspaper.</P>< align=left>In a report headlined "An army of beauty queens?", the paper said one 21-year-old it interviewed spends an average of 110,000 won (117 dollars) a month on bath products and cosmetics.</P><P align=left>Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80,000 won.</P><P align=left>"I got worried that my skin would get rough and dark after I joined the army," another soldier was quoted as saying. "If I want to meet my girlfriend during the vacation, I have to take care of my appearance.</P><P align=left>"It's not just me. Most people here use at least two or three specialised cosmetics for their skin."</P><P align=left>The report said AmorePacific, which supplies cosmetics to over 1,100 Post Exchanges (PXs) across the nation, reported that sales from January through July surged 85 percent from the same period last year.</P><P align=left>It said some in the military worried about "Generation Y soldiers obsessed with their appearance" -- but others are sanguine.</P><P align=left>"This trend is not just taking place among young soldiers but among young men in general, so I shouldn't be too worried about it," one field officer was quoted as saying.</P><P align=left>上周五消息,如今韩国很多站岗的士兵不再是一张粗糙、黝黑的脸面对敌人了。</P><P align=left>据《朝鲜日报》网站消息,如今一些应征入伍的士兵“在用化妆品方面与女性有的一拼了,有些人在度假时,甚至戴假发来遮盖自己的短发。”</P><P align=left>据该报一篇题为《一个“选美”大军?》的报道,一名21岁的受访士兵洗浴和化妆用品平均月花销达到11万韩元(117美元)。</P><P align=left>据报道,除了洗发水和护发素外,他还用紧肤水、保湿霜、精华素、防晒霜和洗面奶,而这名士兵的基本工资只有8万韩元。</P><P align=left>该报援引另一位士兵的话说:“我担心入伍后皮肤会变得又粗又黑。如果放假时要去见女朋友,我必须得注意自己的外表。”</P><P align=left>“不仅是我,这里的大多数士兵都使用至少两至三种专业化妆品来护理皮肤。”</P><P align=left>该报道称,向韩国1100个军中福利店供应化妆品的AmorePacific今年1月至7月的销量比去年同期增加了85%。</P><P align=left>据报道,军队里的有些人担心“新时代的军人过于注重外表”,但有的人还是很乐观。</P><P align=left>报道援引一位陆军军官的话说:“这一趋势不仅在年轻士兵中盛行,在普通的年轻男孩中也如此,因此我无需太担心。”</P>
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