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english 发表于 2007-10-19 19:45:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
< align=left>Former US President Bill Clinton will appear on Oprah Winfrey's TV talk show next Tuesday, Sept. 4, his first</P>< align=left>interview to promote "Giving," a book on philanthropy and civic action coming out the same day.</P>< align=left>Clinton's appearance was announced Monday in an e-mail - "The first interview about his new passion!" - sent to members of Winfrey's book club.</P><P align=left>Winfrey, who interviewed Clinton in 2004 for his memoir "My Life," has good reason to think highly of the new book. "Giving" praises Winfrey's "Angel Network," which has donated millions of dollars around the world, from money for schools in Africa to relief aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina.</P><P align=left>The book also includes comments from Winfrey, who was asked why she started the Angel Network, and another charitable organization, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.</P><P align=left>"I wanted to give back what I was given," she replied. "Everyone wants to matter."</P><P align=left>Clinton has other interviews planned next week, including one with Larry King on CNN and with David Letterman on CBS television's "Late Show."</P><P align=left>美国前总统克林顿将于下周二(9月4日)做客奥普拉&#8226;温芙瑞的电视访谈节目,这将是他为宣传新书《付出》首次接受访问,这本内容涉及慈善及公共事业的新书也将于该天上市。</P><P align=left>本周一,克林顿将做客谈话节目的消息在发给温芙瑞书友会会员的一封电子邮件中被公开,这封邮件的主题是《有关他新激情的首次访谈!》。</P><P align=left>2004年,奥普拉曾就克林顿的回忆录《我的生活》对他进行过访问。对于目前的这本新书,奥普拉完全有理由给出高评价。这本名为《付出》的新书对温芙瑞成立的慈善组织“天使网络”大加赞扬,目前这一组织已向全世界捐款几百万美元,用于援助非洲的教育、救济卡特利娜飓风受害者等公益事业。</P><P align=left>书中还包括奥普拉的相关评论,内容涉及她成立“天使网络”和另一个名为“奥普拉&#8226;温芙瑞女子领导学会”慈善组织的初衷。</P><P align=left>奥普拉回答说:“我希望自己能回馈社会。每个人都想有所贡献。”</P><P align=left>下周,克林顿还将接受美国有线新闻网主持人拉里&#8226;金和哥伦比亚广播公司“晚间谈话”节目主持人大卫&#8226;莱特曼的访问。</P>
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