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english 发表于 2007-10-19 19:46:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>&nbsp;BEIJING -- The upcoming 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will elect a new Central Committee and a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, congress spokesman Li Dongsheng said here Sunday at a press briefing. </P><>He said that a proposed list of candidates had been discussed and prepared by the Political Bureau of the 16th CPC Central Committee and would be submitted to the Presidium of the 17th Congress for deliberation and approval. <BR>The list was made on the basis of the work of a special working group, which operated under the leadership of the Political Bureau and took charge of democratic recommendation, organizational scrutiny, assessment and nomination of candidates for the new Central Committee and the new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he said. </P><>The preparatory meeting of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has appointed Zeng Qinghong as secretary-general of the five-yearly event opening on Monday, Li said. </P><P>Liu Yunshan, Zhou Yongkang, He Guoqiang and Wang Gang have been appointed deputy secretaries-general of the congress at the first meeting of the presidium on Sunday, Li added. </P><P>Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and Zhu Rongji are going to attend the upcoming 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as specially invited delegates, he said. </P><P>The new team of top CPC leaders will meet journalists after the congress, according to Li. </P><P>Upon the conclusion of the congress, the Party's 17th Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will hold their first plenary sessions respectively to elect their new leading bodies, Li said. </P><P>Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the new Central Committee of the CPC will meet Chinese and foreign reporters after the plenary session of the Central Committee, he said. </P><P>According to Li, 2,213 delegates are attending the congress, representing more than 70 million Party members nationwide. </P><P>The congress, regarded as the most important political event in China this year, has attracted more than 1,000 overseas reporters. </P><P>Li announced that the preparations for the congress had been completed. The congress is to open on Monday morning and will last seven days. </P><P>Agenda for CPC National Congress decided </P><P>The agenda of the 17th National Congress of the CPC was decided Sunday afternoon at a preparatory meeting of the congress, according to Li. </P><P>He said the main items of the agenda are as follows: </P><P>-- to hear and examine the report submitted by the 16th CPC Central Committee; </P><P>-- to examine the report on the work of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; </P><P>-- to deliberate and adopt the amendment to the Party Constitution; </P><P>-- to elect the Party's 17th Central Committee and Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. </P><P>Amendment to CPC Constitution to embody "scientific outlook on development" </P><P>The congress will deliberate and adopt an amendment to the CPC Constitution to embody the "scientific outlook on development" and other major strategic thoughts advanced since 2002, according to Li. </P><P>The amendment had been approved at the Seventh Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee that closed on Friday. </P><P>Incorporation of the new achievements in the Party's theoretical innovation and progress in practice into the Constitution will help the whole Party achieve better results in studying and complying with the Constitution and implementing the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies, Li told the reporters. </P><P>The Party congress would also include in the CPC Constitution the major theoretical viewpoints, strategic thoughts and work arrangements defined in the political report to be submitted to the once-every-five-years political event, "so that the amended Constitution fully reflects the latest achievements in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions and meets the new requirements arising from the new situation and tasks for improving the Party's work and strengthening Party building," Li said. </P><P>The amendment must also follow the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, Li said, citing the guiding principles formulated by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. </P><P>When asked by the CPC Central Committee for their opinions about the subjects of political report to the 17th CPC National Congress last December, many Chinese localities and departments proposed amending the Constitution in light of the Party's theoretical innovation and progress in practice to meet the need of improving the Party's work and strengthening Party building, he added. </P><P>"The Constitution was conscientiously amended by pooling the wisdom of the whole Party to produce a version to be submitted to the 17th Congress for deliberation and approval," Li told reporters. </P><P>The latest amendment to the Party Constitution was made at the 16th CPC National Congress in November 2002, when the important thought of Three Represents was highly appraised and written into the Constitution. </P><P>At the 15th CPC National Congress in 1997, Deng Xiaoping Theory was added into the Party Constitution as the guiding theory for the CPC alongside Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. And the theory on building socialism with Chinese characteristics was enshrined in the Party Constitution at the 14th CPC National Congress in 1992. <BR>新华社(北京):本周日,中国共产党第17次全国代表大会新闻发言人李东生在新闻发布会上说,即将召开的中共十七大将选举出新一届中国共产党中央委员会和中央纪律检查委员会。 </P><P>他说所拟的候选人员名单已经通过第16届中央委员会的讨论和修改,随后将递交第17次代表大会主席团并由主席团审议和批准。 </P><P>他还提到,该候选人名单的产生由特别工作小组完成。该小组在中央政治局的领导下负责对新一届中央委员会和纪律检察委员会的候选人进行民主推荐、组织审查、评价和提名工作。 </P><P>中国共产党第十七次代表大会将于下周一开幕,会前召开的预备会议已经任命曾庆红为大会总秘书长,李东生说。 </P><P>李东生还补充道,星期日召开的主席团第一次会议指定刘云山、周永康、贺国强和王刚为副秘书长。 </P><P>李还提到,江泽民、李鹏和朱鎔基将作为特邀代表出席中共十七次全国代表大会。 </P><P>中共十七大产生的党的新一届领导者将在会后和记者见面。李东生说。 </P><P>在大会结束之际,党的第十七届中央委员会和纪律检查委员会将分别召开第一次全体会议并选举出新的领导集机构。 </P><P>新一届中央政治局常务委员会成员将在中央委员会全体会议后同中外记者见面。 </P><P>李东生说,2,213名代表将出席本次会议。他们代表全国七亿共产党员。 </P><P>中共第十七次全国代表大会被视为今年中国最重要的政治大事,已经吸引了一千多名国外记者。 </P><P>李东生在新闻发布会上宣布党的十七大的各项准备工作已经全部就绪。此次盛会将于下星期一上午开始,为期七天。 <BR>中共全国代表大会的议程已经确定。 </P><P>中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会的议程已经在本周日下午召开的准备会议上确定。 </P><P>李东生说十七大的主要议程如下: </P><P>--听取和审议党的十六届中央委员会的报告; </P><P>--审议中央纪律检查委员会的工作报告; </P><P>-- 审议并通过《中国共产党章程(修正案)》; </P><P>--选举党的十七届中央委员会,选举中央纪律检查委员会。 </P><P>《中国共产党章程(修正案)》将体现科学发展观这一思想。 </P><P>会议将审议并通过《中国共产党章程(修正案)》,以体现2002年以来所提出的科学发展观以及其他重大的战略思想,李东生说。 </P><P>本周五结束的十六届七中全会已经批准了《修正案》。 </P><P>李东生告诉记者,把党在理论创新方面的成果以及在实践中所取得的进步写入《中国共产党章程》将有助于全党学习、遵守章程;有助于贯彻执行党的各理论、路线、政策和方针。 </P><P>大会还将把重要的理论观点、战略思想和政治报告中所确定的工作部署写入《中国共产党章程》。其目的是:1)确保该《修正案》充分反映中国把马克思主义和本国实际相适应的最新成就;2)满足新形势的需要;3)提升党的工作能力并加强党的建设。”党的政治报告将被提交给五年举行一次的政治盛会。 </P><P>李东生援引中共中央政治局所制定的指导原则说,《中国共产党章程(修正案)》还必须符合马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想的指导。 <BR></P>
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